An Essential Guide To Correct Pronunciation

How to Pronounce Mifepristone

An Essential Guide to Correct Pronunciation

Understanding the Importance of Accurate Pronunciation

Mifepristone, an abortion-inducing drug, is a topic that often sparks discussions and debates. It is essential to ensure accurate pronunciation of medical terms to facilitate clear communication and understanding in healthcare settings.

Breaking Down the Word

The word "mifepristone" is divided into four syllables: "mi-fe-pris-tone." Each syllable has a distinct pronunciation that contributes to the overall sound of the word.

Stress on the Second Syllable

The primary stress falls on the second syllable, "fe." This syllable is pronounced with a long "e" sound, similar to the "e" in "feet." The first syllable, "mi," has a shorter "i" sound, as in "mix."

Consonant Sounds

The consonant sounds in "mifepristone" are pronounced clearly and distinctly. The "f" in "fe" is pronounced with a soft "f" sound, similar to the "f" in "fish." The "p" in "pris" is a voiceless bilabial stop, and the "t" in "tone" is a voiceless alveolar stop.

Vowel Combinations

The vowel combination "ei" in "fe" creates a diphthong sound, which means it transitions smoothly between two vowel sounds. The first part of the diphthong is a high front vowel, similar to the "i" in "high," and the second part is a mid front vowel, similar to the "e" in "bet."

Listen and Practice

Accurate pronunciation of "mifepristone" requires practice. Listen to recordings of healthcare professionals or linguists pronouncing the word and practice repeating it until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation.


掌握 "mifepristone" 的正确发音对于促进医疗保健领域的清晰沟通至关重要。通过了解音节、重音、辅音和元音组合,您可以掌握这个术语的准确发音,为有效和专业的医疗服务做出贡献。

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